Neti Lota
A Neti Pot or Neti Lota is used for Jala Neti, a traditional cleansing technique of the Hatha Yoga tradition of India. The Sanskrit term means "water cleansing", and is commonly called nasal irrigation.
Neti is an ancient practice that today is receiving lots of attention as a healthy, drug free solution to chronic sinus problems and allergies. It is extremely effective for those who have to work in polluted and dusty environments. Prominent sinus and allergy specialists throughout the world such as James T. Li, M.D of the Mayo Clinic recommend Neti for chronic sinus conditions. |
• removes dirt and infectious microorganisms from the nasal cavities and passageways
• reduces the frequency and duration of colds • reduces allergic problems such as hay fever • reduces diseases such as asthma and bronchitis by improving your breathing • moistens dry nasal cavities and passageways • reduces the symptoms of chronic sinusitis |
• flushes the tear ducts and increases eye sight
• improves your sense of smell and taste, is therefore very good if you want to stop smoking • can be beneficial for some types of ear disorders • stimulates Ajna-Chakra • has a harmonizing and calming effect on the mind |
You are likely to find the experience surprisingly easy and very invigorating. Your nasal passages will feel free and clear, your ears will feel open, and your vision will brighten., and your eyes will feel refreshed. The Neti pot is filled with warm, salty water containing just enough salt to make it similar to body fluids. The salt solution is poured into one nostril, and the water will then flow out through the other nostril. |
Sea salt works well, or any salt that is free of added iodine or other additives. The solution should be similar to body fluids. Our ceramic Neti Pots hold 350 ml. of water, and work well with ¾ of a teaspoon of salt, though the preferred salt to water ratio may differ slightly from person to person. The tissue of the nose is very sensitive. "The nose knows!" Keep your nose happy and you can't go wrong. Use comfortably warm water for Neti, similar or slightly warmer than shower water. It is better to have the water a little bit too warm than too cold. Mix well so that the salt is diluted completely.
PLEASE NOTE: Standing over a sink is not advised because it may be stressful for the back. Standing in a shower or outside on a nice day is preferable. 1. Fill your Neti pot and breathe slowly and naturally through your mouth. By opening your mouth wide enough, the passage from the nose to the mouth is closed. No water can get into your mouth or your throat. 2. Now put the nose cone into your right nostril and seal it with some gentle moves so that all water flows into the nostril. 3. Then gently bend your head forward and roll it to the left side. The left nostril should be the lowest point. Forehead and chin should be about the same level. Wait patiently for the flow to begin. Relax and breath slowly and smoothly through the mouth. 4. Experiment with the posture of your head. Once the water is flowing from your left nostril, hold your head steady and move only the Neti pot to keep the water pouring in. 5. You should start with half a pot per side. When you have been practicing regularly for some time, you may increase this to one pot per side. 6. Bring your head to the centre and let all the water flow out. Blow gently with both nostrils. You should not close one nostril now and you should not blow hard, because it will put pressure on the ears. 7. Repeat the procedure with the left nostril, doing everything in the opposite direction. If you have a mucus blockage you can go back and forth a few times. If you try it for some time and the water does not come out of the other nostril, you should ask for advice. There could be some type of anatomical blockage. DRYING THE NOSE PLEASE NOTE: Drying the nose is very important and should not be neglected! Take as much time for drying as for pouring water through nostrils. 8. When you have completely finished let all the water flow out again and softly blow the water out of both nostrils. While bending forward, let the head hang down and gently roll your head in all directions to get all the water out. Take a clean dry towel and hold in place while softly and repeatedly puffing air out through the nostrils, moving the head in various positions and elevations. |
Address: 23 Ely Street, Wangaratta VIC 3677 Phone: 03 5722 3888 Email: [email protected]